As a student, you are likely searching for off-campus housing near your university. This can be difficult to do because of the high demand and low supply of properties in the area surrounding your school. Luckily, this blog post lists great tips that will help you find NC State off-campus housing!
Search for Off-Campus Housing at Least Three Months Before You Need to Move
You want to get ahead of the game, so start looking for a property as soon as you can. This will give you enough time to find a place that fits your needs and is within your budget!
Create a List of Your Must-Haves and Prioritize Them
It is important to make a list of what you are looking for in your new apartment. This will narrow down the places that you can see and set up an appointment with properties that offer those features.
Look up Crime Rates in Different Areas to Make Sure You’re Not Moving Into a Dangerous Neighborhood
It is important to make sure that you are in an area where your family and friends will feel safe coming over. Try creating a map of the surrounding areas with crime rates so you can get a better idea of what part of town might be best for you.
Visit Properties Online, but Also Go and Look at Them in Person if Possible!
Online properties might not be what they seem. You should always visit the property in person and meet with their leasing agent to get a feel for your surroundings!
If you’re searching for NC State off campus housing visit Redpoint Raleigh at