Should You Bring Your Pet Along When You Rent an Off-Campus Apartment?

by | Nov 23, 2020 | Student Housing Center

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You can’t imagine life without your furry friend. As you’ve browsed the off-campus housing options, you’ve found yourself searching for pet-friendly apartments by Marquette that allow you to bring your dog or cat. It sounds appealing, but is bringing your pet to your apartment really a good idea? Or should you leave your furry friend at home?

Should You Bring Your Pet to Your Off-Campus Apartment?

Many student housing units allow pets, so you might be able to bring your dog or cat along. But before you break out the kitty carrier, ask yourself if it’s really a good idea. Some animals–cats in particular–don’t adjust well to changes in their environment. Will your pet be happy if you bring them to a new location, or will you just be causing them unnecessary stress?

Additionally, you should ask yourself if your pet will behave in your new apartment. If you have a well-behaved dog or cat, they might be right at home in a student apartment. But if you have a dog that tears up pillows or a cat that claws the furniture, you might end up losing your deposit and frustrating your roommates.

For more information about pet-friendly apartments by Marquette, check out the Lark on 14th website. You can learn more about their different facilities and amenities that offer a relaxed, resort-style lifestyle. You can also contact a staff member and see if you can bring your pet along.