Not all college student housing apartments will have the same pros and cons. Some are little more than cramped units situated in high crime neighborhoods and too far from the campus itself. Learn why these impressive student apartments near the University of Florida...
Student Housing Center
Reasons Why You Should Rent a 3- or 4-Bedroom Student Apartment
If you came from a big family or were the only child in your household, you may want to try roommates while in college. Sharing your space with others will allow you to connect with other students and have a team to share your responsibilities. To get the benefits of...
Perform an Inspection Before Signing a Lease on a Student Apartment
As you have looked at your options for luxury apartments near LSU, you may have found a specific place that you are in love with. Before signing the lease, there are a couple of things you should do. Ask to get a copy of the lease before you go in to sign it and get...
Find Student Housing That Offers Amenities That Will Benefit You
You likely feel excited to start apartment hunting in Baton Rouge. If you are sure that you do not want to live on campus, here are a few tips to help you determine which student housing near LSU is right for you. Some young people make the mistake of going with a...
How Student Housing Can Be More Beneficial Than Private Apartments
If you are trying to decide if you will rent a private apartment or if you will rent UTK off campus student housing, it is important to understand the basic differences between these options. Here are a few reasons why student housing is likely to be better for your...