Before you start your online real estate education courses, are you aware of the many hats a real estate agent puts on in a typical day? You may think it all boils down to helping people buy or sell the property, but the truth is a bit more complicated than that. You’ll have many roles as an agent, and it’s essential to understand that from the beginning. Let’s look at a few of the things you’ll be doing on an average day.
Responding to Calls, Texts, and Emails
Even when you don’t have scheduled appointments, you can bet you will always have emails and texts that need to be responded to. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is or whether it’s a holiday. You’ll end up spending a large amount of time communicating with others.
Reviewing Activity
As a real estate agent, you will want to be reviewing activity on listings throughout the day. You want to watch for listings that might be right for you to get involved with. You’ll also be doing updates on price changes, sold properties, houses back on the market, and more. Then all that information has to be sent to your clients who are counting on you.
Scheduling Appointments
You’ll be the person in charge of setting up schedules for your clients looking for homes. You need to consider logistics and geography to make everything work well. Plus, you often come across alterations that need to be accommodated. Just getting clients to see homes they are interested in can seem like a full-time position.
You may have a website, newsletter, and various social media accounts which you choose to market your brand on. All of this takes time and effort. Every time you post something, you also have a responsibility to track results and determine how well you are meeting goals. Click here to know more.
Managing Sales
Sometimes you might end up negotiating sales for days on end. You may be checking in with attorneys and title companies to ensure all the details are under control. You’ll also be watching the lender see how things are going and whether the deal is about to go through. There are tons of tasks involved in sales, and not all of them are glamorous.
Learn Real Estate Today
At the Institute of Real Estate Education, we offer online real estate education courses for new agents, as well as those interested in continuing education. If you are looking for help in moving to your new career, we’d be happy to help.